07/05/2023 / By Ethan Huff
More than half the country agrees with the Supreme Court’s recent decision to strike down a decades-long affirmative action precedent for college and university admissions.
Even though the corporate media has declared the highest court in the land to be in “crisis” over the decision, an ABC News / Ipsos poll taken just after it found that 52 percent of Americans agree that white people should no longer be given second-class standing when it comes to obtaining the privilege of a higher education.
Just 32 percent of the country disagrees with the SCOTUS decision, while 16 percent of respondents said they simply do not know whether or not affirmative action should remain in place.
What all of this tells us is that there is no “crisis” taking place. The Supreme Court has simply made a decision that most of America agrees with: end of story.
(Related: Here are the rest of the details about what the Supreme Court did with affirmative action and why.)
As for fake president Joe Biden’s push for student loan forgiveness, poll respondents offered mixed sentiment with 45 percent saying they oppose it, likely unaware of what it actually entails, while 40 percent support it.
Biden’s response to the Supreme Court’s rejection of his proposal was to declare that “this is not a normal court.” For years, SCOTUS has catered to leftist causes, and now it is suddenly changing course due to the three appointments that were made by former President Donald Trump.
Biden called this new ‘stacked’ court an “extreme majority” that he insists is “out of step” with most Americans. The ABC News / Ipsos poll would seem to disagree with him, though.
Instead of accepting that the new Supreme Court leans Republican after leaning Democrat for many, many years, leftists are instead resorting to calling the highest court in the land “illegitimate” because it no longer agrees with their positions.
They say the new Supreme Court, stacked by Trump, is engaging in an “unprecedented assault” on America’s “institutions,” this being another buzzword they like to throw around to make it sound like looters and destroyers are taking down the things that undergird the country.
The irony of this is that it was leftists and their violent brigades of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa terrorists that roved the country following the George Floyd psy-op and burned down businesses and institutions out of anger and spite.
If America is under attack by anyone, in other words, it is the left rather than the right. Even so, the left-wing media is freaking out about the Supreme Court’s recent decisions, with one, New York magazine, running a commentary recently claiming that SCOTUS now exists in “the new age of made-up doctrine.”
All the Supreme Court said concerning the student loan forgiveness proposal is that Congress has to be the one to make that decision rather than the executive branch. This is simply how it has been delineated in the Constitution, which the country is bound to follow.
Leave it to leftists, though, to scream and howl because they suddenly cannot get their way with the same level of ease that they once did, which is causing them to lash out in panic and anger.
“There is no crisis in the court,” reported the New York Post‘s editorial board about the matter. “There is just progressive panic, irresponsibly aimed at shaking faith in our government and tearing things down because they don’t get their way.”
The latest news about the deconstruction of anti-white hatred and racism across America can be found at AbolishSocialism.com.
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abolish socialism, affirmative action, anti-white, crisis, Crybullies, left cult, media, media fact watch, progress, progressive panic, propaganda, racism, Supreme Court
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