By Mike Adams
REPORT: Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandfather was a member of the militia that ripped Cherokee from their homes, separating Native American families
If you thought digging into Brett Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook revealed some bizarre history, look what internet sleuths have managed to dig up about Elizabeth Warren. Warren, who falsely claims to be Native American (Cherokee), recently publicized a DNA test she says vindicates her claim. The DNA test showed her to be 1/1024th a combination […]
By Mike Adams
Netflix begins SCIENCE PURGE to remove all genetics education from science videos in order to appease Left-wing “gender fluid” lunatics like Bill Nye
People laughed when I predicted in this Bill Nye story about how he thinks transgenderism is “evolution” that California would begin purging genetics education from its textbooks to appease the lunatic Left. Not even two weeks after my prediction, Netflix has already begun its Orwellian purge of science education from older videos, “stealth editing” genetics […]
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