Actor George Clooney, along with his human rights lawyer wife, Amal, has just donated $1 million to the Southern Poverty …
One of the main groups pushing hatred and division, especially in the era of Donald J. Trump, is also one …
The war against American history is continuing unabated, as far-Left social change artists continue their assault against our very culture, …
President Trump was crucified by the mainstream media a few weeks back after hosting an improvised press conference and saying …
Daily Caller deputy editor Scott Greer made the excellent point that contrary to our national media’s ongoing narrative about the “dangers” of President …
Somebody, somewhere is busy rallying the troops of radical leftist terror in the United States, which is taking on a …
For months Democrats and their allies in the “mainstream” media have denied reports that many Alt-Left terrorists who use violence …
In recent days something very unexpected happened: The usually disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media began honestly covering the Alt-Left group “Antifa,” …
Can a soap dispenser in a public bathroom be “racist?” Only if you’re an intolerant Left-wing nut job who doesn’t …