A black student group at the University of California, Santa Cruz recently occupied a campus building and refused to leave …
Political correctness pushed by the progressive movement is particularly egregious at public universities, i.e. those funded primarily by the taxpayer and …
In the 2nd-hour monologue of his daily three-hour show on Tuesday, talk show behemoth Rush Limbaugh discussed whether today’s younger generation …
Democrats – and especially Democratic presidents – are protected by a sort of ‘Pretorian guard’ known as the “mainstream media,” …
The politically correct nonsense on American college campuses is continuing apace, with students now paying a price academically if they …
For all the Left’s breathless claims that President Donald J. Trump is a tyrant hell-bent on ruling with an iron …
The atmosphere on many college campuses across the country today has become very tense. Much of what is happening has …
The most ironic thing about the far-left these days, is that for all their talk about ending racism, they’re the …
It says a lot about a university when a student gets suspended for disagreeing with one of their professors. After …
The far-Left wackos who run the state of California are not only institutional bigots and racists, they are overt about …
Loyola University Chicago offers a campus club “for self-identified White students” to admit their own racist feelings and to complain …
Liberal hypocrisy is destroying American culture, point blank. This is just another example of how. Far-Left Democratic politicians, especially, claim …
Inclusiveness has been the buzzword du jour among many universities recently. Students around the country are demanding safe spaces so …
Somewhere along the line College students began rationalizing that being inclusive means discriminating against white people. Case in point, Students4Justice …