News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Media-generated racial hatred toward white men fuels riots and mass shootings
After the horrific shooting in Boulder, Colorado, the mainstream media began to spin a narrative of racial hatred, claiming repeatedly that the shooter was a “white male.” From the start, the weaponized media began to spread disinformation to paint the “white male” as the stereotypical terrorist. This disinformation is solely designed to foment hatred toward […]
By Lance D Johnson
Amazon censors Clarence Thomas PBS documentary during Black History Month… because you don’t count as “black” unless you’re a member of the Left Cult
If there was just one month to honor black history, then an entire day should be dedicated to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the only black justice currently serving on the nation’s highest court. Instead of honoring Justice Clarence Thomas during Black History Month, Amazon dropped a popular PBS documentary about him. During Black History […]
By Lance D Johnson
Remember when Whoopi Goldberg said riots in D.C. would be “fun to watch?”
After Donald Trump was elected 45th President of the United States, Democrats spent many months trying to remove him from office. Some Democrats advocated for violence in the streets, assault of Trump supporters, and mob-style tactics toward republican lawmakers. During an April 22, 2018 segment of “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg even said a riot in […]
By Lance D Johnson
Violent left-wing rioters attack innocent children and families at “Jews for Trump” rally in NYC
After months of being brainwashed with anti-Trump, race baiting propaganda, violent left-wing rioters took to the streets to assault children and families at a “Jews for Trump” rally in New York City. Hundreds of cars sported American flags and Trump 2020 flags to show their support for the President and a more free America. The […]
By Lance D Johnson
Lunatic left-wing Senators now claim the term “sexual preference” discriminates against transgenders, as if LGBT people have NO CHOICE in the matter
In a desperate attempt to rile the emotions of the LGBT community, Senate Democrats twisted the English language and tried to make Supreme Court Justice nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, out to be a discriminatory bigot with some agenda to harm people of various sexual orientations. During the vetting process to confirm the next Supreme Court […]
By Lance D Johnson
Costco protecting BLM terrorists from criticism, removing vendors who speak up about BLM’s domestic terror
Corporations are not only funding the Black Lives Matter terror that is happening nightly on American streets, but they are also threatening their own business partners and vendors if they do not go along and worship BLM’s bloody crusade. Costco is pulling the Palmetto Cheese brand from at least 120 of their stores after the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Wells Fargo CEO forced to apologize for stating the obvious
No matter how far they bend over and kneel, corporations will never be able to placate the demands of today’s racially-motivated social justice warriors. Corporations are currently being forced to meet “diversity goals” to purge their organization of white people and to build a more inclusive environment that hires equally among each race. However, human […]
By Lance D Johnson
Full-blown race-baiting school indoctrination is underway as schools promote “hate messaging” against police
The anti-police sentiment that is being carelessly spewed through the media is now infiltrating the public-school education system. A high school teacher from Westchester County, New York handed out an assignment that correlated today’s police officers to the KKK. The left-wing agitators, rioters and black supremacists that have clashed with police throughout 2020 are being […]
By Lance D Johnson
The NFL, NBA and MLB are promoting Black criminals as heroes and putting a target on law enforcement
Some of the biggest names in professional sports are sending the wrong messages to youth. Not only are NFL and NBA players engaging in Anti-American publicity stunts (kneeling during the National Anthem), but they are now openly promoting a violent political movement (BLM) while perpetuating the left-wing media’s anti-cop rhetoric. As these professional sports organizations […]
By Lance D Johnson
University of Michigan hosting “black only events” while isolating whites so they can repent of their racism
In an effort to be more “inclusive” and promote “equality,” the University of Michigan-Dearborn recently hosted “black only events” where people of color were encouraged to “discuss their experience as students on campus.” The meeting allows “people of color” to discuss how they are marginalized in a predominantly white society. In order to promote “racial […]
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