News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
William Shatner eviscerates transgender activist on Twitter over “misandry” issue
Traditional Hollywood – that is, the aging stars who made Tinsel Town what it is – has no connection to the looney Left-wing cultural rot that is being embraced and pushed by their younger peers. William Shatner – who made a name for himself as “Captain James T. Kirk” on the original “Star Trek” series […]
By JD Heyes
Transgender LUNACY as biological man shatters women’s weightlifting records by claiming he’s a woman
If you understand the kind of Marxist/liberalism practiced by politicians like Barack Obama and most Democrats today, you understand that much of what they propose and implement in terms of public policy is aimed at destroying traditional American culture and values, which they hold in contempt and see as illegitimate. The more of it they […]
By JD Heyes
Colleges now offering Play-Doh for students who feel “triggered” by finals week
In the 2nd-hour monologue of his daily three-hour show on Tuesday, talk show behemoth Rush Limbaugh discussed whether today’s younger generation would — if the remote possibility arose — be able to rise to the occasion to defend the country from powerful armies seeking our destruction, in the mold of “The Greatest Generation” that defeated Nazi Germany, […]
By JD Heyes
The big breakup: Residents in a half-dozen states talking secession… we are no longer a unified nation
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer recited in many public schools. While some have criticized its excision, the reality is most Americans don’t agree with […]
By JD Heyes
The Left has turned “science” into lunacy, discrediting all science with the eventual goal of dominating the planet and enslaving the people
2044 A.D.: Once upon a time, there were science books. Lots and lots of science books, all containing information on just about anything you can imagine. There were volumes on the health sciences. There were books about earth sciences, environmental science, and a plethora of studies – replicable, peer-reviewed and evidence-based – that provided knowledge […]
By JD Heyes
Forbes hits a new low, claims non-GMO movement is somehow mired in sexism
You can always tell when a Leftist is losing an argument. They always resort to false accusations of “isms” as a way to distract from the fact that their viewpoint has no substance and no basis in reality. Enter Kavin Senapathy, who inferred in Forbes recently that anyone who disputes Big Agriculture’s claim that “all […]
By JD Heyes
Jimmy Kimmel exposed as a “self-absorbed, narcissistic exhibitionist” by using his own child’s heart damage to push a political agenda
If you ever needed another reason to hate Hollywood and the Left-wing, self-loving, self-promoting twits who pass themselves off as ‘entertainers,’ here goes. In recent days late-night ‘comedian’ Jimmy Kimmel gave an ‘impassioned’ tear-filled monologue that wound up going viral online regarding some health issues with his newborn son. Following the birth of his son […]
By JD Heyes
College students despise Obama’s policies when they think they’re Trump’s policies
Democrats – and especially Democratic presidents – are protected by a sort of ‘Pretorian guard’ known as the “mainstream media,” which is staffed by reporters and editors who are ideological Marxists serving as the propaganda wing of the Democratic National Committee. That’s the only way to explain how former President Barack Obama and his party […]
By JD Heyes
More campus crazy: Student was penalized by instructor for daring to use the word “man” in an essay
The politically correct nonsense on American college campuses is continuing apace, with students now paying a price academically if they dare to waiver from the Alt-Left maniacal orthodoxy. As reported by The College Fix, it wasn’t just any college campus; the “infraction” occurred at the University of Florida, providing more evidence that far Left academics […]
By JD Heyes
Organizers of Berkeley anti-free speech riots tied to pro-pedophilia group NAMBLA, documents reveal
Most Americans understand that organizers behind all of the violence and rioting against free speech at the University of California-Berkeley are the real Nazi-like fascists, but few knew some of them had such dark backgrounds. As reported by The Daily Caller, the same far-Left activists who are doing their best to shut down conservative speakers […]
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