News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Michael Moore goes FULL TREASON, launches traitorous “leaks” website in yet another lunatic left-wing attempt to overthrow the government
On his Twitter account, the profile picture of Left-wing former sportscaster Keith Olbermann, whose venomous hatred of all things not liberal has gotten him fired even from progressive networks, shows him wrapping himself in an American flag (Warning) along with a vulgar reference to President Donald J. Trump. But if you have ever listened to or […]
By JD Heyes
Libtard college campuses now running “political cleansing” campaigns to eliminate all conservatives
Let’s get something straight. The far Left in America, which has long dominated American pop culture, academia, entertainment and even the political direction of our country, has a singular goal in mind for the future. That goal is the taking of power, period, and the new wave of Leftists demonstrate daily they are willing to […]
By JD Heyes
GENDER FLUID SCIENCE: University of Arizona liberal announces “feminist” version of physics, because real physics is dominated by men like Sir Isaac Newton
It should be said — plainly, loudly and often — that far-Left “progressives” and their ideological soulmates in the Democratic Party care nothing about “equality,” because if they really did, they wouldn’t pit ethnic groups, members of various sexual statuses and even political rivals against each other. But they do so because that is where […]
By JD Heyes
Deranged liberal college students who waged genocidal “No Whites Day” event at Evergreen College are now crying and demanding the video be scrubbed from the ‘net
In recent days you may recall, on this site and others, reading about wild tales involving a group of “misguided” students at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington who demanded observance and compliance with “No Whites Day” while threatening professors, staff and other students who disagreed with the racist demonstration. The little ingrates were making […]
By JD Heyes
Kathy Griffin deliberately targeted Barron Trump as an act of psychological warfare with parallels to terrorism
By now tens of millions of Americans have heard about — and were disgusted by — “comedienne” Kathy Griffin’s disgusting and outrageous act of ‘protest’ against President Donald J. Trump by posing for a picture of herself holding a mock, bloodied decapitate head of the president. The picture — and accompanying behind-the-scenes video — went […]
By JD Heyes
University launches a “hate bias” task force that won’t do anything to prevent “hate” or “bias”
Left-wing extremists who run the vast majority of America’s college campuses don’t have to actually address problems of “hate” or “bias” at their institutions, they just have to declare that they are addressing those problems, implement a couple of feel-good policies, and that’s it: Problem solved. Only, such problems aren’t solved like that, of course, […]
By JD Heyes
List of Democrats who took money from violent sicko Kathy Griffin who promotes the blood beheading of President Trump
It’s really interesting to read social media posts from supporters of the far-Left Democratic Party whenever they are trolling stories meant to report truthfully and honestly on conservatives and lovers of liberty and the Constitution. They love to lump us all into a single group (these days a popular characterization is “Trumpster” or some vulgar […]
By JD Heyes
Evergreen State College caves in to Alt-Left student mob’s demand for absurd homework exemption
To say that things are out of control on the campus of the uber-Left-wing Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, is, frankly, a massive understatement. The situation there has devolved into something so surreal if you wrote down and tried to sell it to Hollywood as a drama no one would take you seriously. Well, […]
By JD Heyes
The Alt-Left’s latest cultural target: Destroying respect for the institution of the presidency
By now most people are aware of the disgusting photo D-list “comedienne” Kathy Griffin posed for recently, in which she held a mock severed, bloody head of President Donald J. Trump. Widely chastised by Trump supporters, Griffin was even lambasted by some liberals — members of the establishment media among them as well as former […]
By JD Heyes
According to the insane, intolerant Left, WHITE women are not allowed to run burrito shops without being labeled racists
Once upon a time in America, people used to consider imitation the highest form of flattery. The thought was, if somebody thought to mimic something being done by someone else, that was a compliment. Not anymore. Now, imitation is considered an insult and even a form of racism by those on the increasingly insane Left. […]
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