News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Crybully Californians issue death threats to lawmakers after they shelve “universal health care” plan that would have bankrupted the state
After decades of opening the states’ treasury to its increasingly dependent citizenry, California Democrats have finally learned a hard lesson in economics — and now their dependent citizenry is turning on them. As reported by the Sacramento Bee, the leader of the California Assembly, Anthony Rendon, has begun receiving death threats after he decided not to […]
By JD Heyes
The REAL terrorists: “Mainstream” media continues to incite violence against Trump with its hate-filled rhetoric
If the conservative media had talked about, lied about, threatened and spewed the kind of hate toward Barack Obama the “mainstream” media throws at Donald J. Trump, you would have literally seen heads exploding on TV. But while conservative pundits had plenty to say that was critical of Obama, the Right largely refrained from calling […]
By JD Heyes
Did Hillary Clinton exploit black prison labor while her husband ran Arkansas?
Throughout her political career Hillary Clinton, like her president husband, fancied herself a champion of minorities. Because they are Democrats, you see, no one cares more about minorities than they do. Heck, Bill was even nicknamed “the first black president” and was even honored as such by the Congressional Black Caucus in 2008 (an ‘honor’ […]
By JD Heyes
How Bernie Sanders turned leftists into KILLERS with hate-filled radicalization rhetoric
As much as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and others on the Marxist Left want to disavow themselves of James T. Hodgkinson, the would-be assassin of multiple Republican lawmakers — whose long history of GOP animosity is now well-documented — they cannot. The calculated hate-filled rhetoric against Republicans and President Donald J. Trump that has been […]
By JD Heyes
All those times when far-Left celebrities wished for violence against Trump and Republicans
The Alt-Left is doing its best to backpedal on its disgusting behavior since Donald J. Trump defied all odds and dared to have the bad taste to win the Nov. 8 presidential election in the wake of a maniacal attack on GOP lawmakers Wednesday morning. But the fact is, the Left can’t retreat from its […]
By JD Heyes
Pathetic NY Times’ response to attempted assassination of GOP lawmakers: It’s Sarah Palin’s fault
In the wake of what could have been a horrific mass murder of scores of Republican lawmakers Wednesday morning as they practiced for Congress’ annual charity softball game at a ball field in northern Virginia, the disgusting Left-wing partisans at The New York Times are attempting to provide political cover for the attempted assassination by […]
By JD Heyes
Groundbreaking research on the thought processes of TERRORISTS accidentally reveals how liberals justify violence and intolerance against their political opponents
The findings of a new study will seem particularly enlightening to many, given what has taken place in Europe and the United States recently regarding the uptick in political violence and terrorism. The study claims that radical terrorists (is that an oxymoron?) tend to justify their acts of violence, no matter how heinous, because the […]
By JD Heyes
Would-be political assassin a Bernie supporter: Will Democrats NOW take responsibility for fomenting so much hate and violence?
The shooter and wannabe murderer of “as many Republicans as possible,” James T. Hodgkinson, of Belleville, Ill., was a known supporter of “Democratic socialist” and 2016 Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, though you won’t see any of that highlighted by the the ideologically bankrupt “mainstream” media — the same media that was […]
By JD Heyes
Man looking to “kill as many Republicans as possible” shoots ranking GOP Rep. Scalise; Democrat-inspired political violence now escalating
The perpetually angry Left — which has been cultivated and nurtured by the Democratic Party and its allies in the “mainstream” media since before President Donald J. Trump was inaugurated — has now elevated its political violence to a new level, as evidenced by an attack involving a gunman in Virginia who reportedly said he […]
By JD Heyes
Some advertisers REFUSING to abandon disgusting Shakespeare in the Park “murder” of President Trump look-alike
The fact that a growing number of lunatics within the entertainment industry are bedeviled with Trump Derangement Syndrome can no longer be denied. In recent days you may have heard that the traditional annual “Shakespeare in the Park” production that local artists and producers put on in New York City’s Central Park has a new twist […]
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