News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Citing the scientific research of white men now blamed for “marginalization” of women and people of color, claim delusional left-wing academics
There is no question about it: The academic far-Left has lost their collective minds and is now actively trolling for things to be upset/angry/offended about, and this is especially true for many of today’s college and university campuses. As reported by Campus Reform, a pair of feminist professors who teach geography — yes, geography — […]
By JD Heyes
Intolerant feminist attacks “Doctor Who” British TV show for not being transgender or black enough
So-called “feminism” has long since stopped being about the promotion of equality for women. Far from its founding roots in the 1960s and early 1970s, when women most certainly did need a stronger, unified voice both politically and culturally, the movement today has been hijacked by far-Left caricatures pushing a Marxist agenda filled with hate […]
By JD Heyes
Huge increase in children being indoctrinated with gender identity propaganda (and even undergoing surgeries)
The insane Left has scored another victory for its ideology, but a defeat for the well-being and longevity of the human race: Thanks to its incessant indoctrination, aided by a complicit establishment media steeped in propaganda, more kids than ever are trying to change their gender, with some parents even allowing their children to get […]
By JD Heyes
DISNEY to make Pirates of the Caribbean ride more “politically correct” … transgender pirates singing Kumbaya?
When the Disney Company first singled out gays and lesbians for special “Gay Days” events a few years back, many Americans who are not gay — myself included — resented the fact that the once-family friendly company would have drawn so much attention to a sexual lifestyle. After all, being gay is all about sex, […]
By JD Heyes
Anti-Trump protesters applaud speech consisting entirely of lines uttered by Adolf Hitler
A favorite accusation by far-Left activists aligned with the Democratic Party is that supporters of President Donald J. Trump are “fascists,” “authoritarians” and “Nazis.” But a recent ‘speech’ by a backer of the president proves not only are such accusations misguided, but they actually apply to those making them. As reported by, the Left’s […]
By JD Heyes
Liberals not only hate America, they hate all of Western civilization
In case you missed it, President Donald J. Trump visited Poland last week and gave a tremendous speech in which he became the first president in eight years to actually defend U.S. and Western values. Most Americans are patriotic and love their country, so the speech was very well received by them. But the America-hating […]
By JD Heyes
Facebook blocks Christian cross symbols but gladly promotes LGBTQ rainbow flag
The Left’s war on Christianity is relentlessly continuing, with the latest battle being waged online. Social media behemoth Facebook has decided that inclusion of the multi-colored “gay pride” flag emoji is a perfectly acceptable symbol of inclusion — and it is — but a Christian cross is just an outrage and a bridge too far. […]
By JD Heyes
Watch: Weak metrosexual lispy Leftists attempt to train each other in self-defense skills… and FAIL at every level
Marxist Leftist supporters of the Democratic Party are training for combat against “fascist” supporters of President Donald J. Trump. Sort of. After Left-wing ‘social justice warriors’ admitted in April they got their rear ends handed to them when they ‘battled’ Trump supporters in the streets of Berkeley — in another attempt to shut down free […]
By JD Heyes
Far-Left Woman’s March organizer now calling for JIHAD against so-called “fascists” and “white supremacists” in the “White House”
Those on the far Left are absolutely losing their minds more and more each day President Donald J. Trump remains in the Oval Office. You can see it in their actions and hear it in their words. The most recent libtard to call for violence against the president and anyone in his Cabinet is “Woman’s […]
By JD Heyes
“TOLERANT” GENOCIDE: Today the insane Left is calling for college campuses with NO WHITE PEOPLE… tomorrow they will call for all Whites to be eliminated from society
There could be no better civic lesson than what is occurring today on some American college campuses as to why our founders established a representative republic rather than a pure democracy — mob rule, in other words. Students are being singled out either for additional benefits over and above what everyone else is getting, or they are being singled […]
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