News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Radical Left now attempting to memory-hole America… calls for taking down statues of Washington, Jefferson and Founding Fathers
During his combative press conference with the disgustingly dishonest establishment media at Trump Tower on Tuesday, President Donald J. Trump doubled down on his earlier statements that demonstrations on the Left and Right were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend. At one point in recognizing that there were “good people” […]
By JD Heyes
The violent Left has the support of pop culture freaks, political cowards and media elite … Why you need to prepare to defend yourself
In case you haven’t noticed, anyone speaking out against Left-wing violence in America is quickly shouted down and branded as a racist, Nazi bigot. Conservatives and Trump supporters have known this for months because they’ve been regularly targeted by Antifa thugs and members of BLM and the so-called “Occupy” movement anytime they show up to […]
By JD Heyes
FACT CHECK: “Nazi” stands for “national socialism” and Adolf Hitler was a radical Left-wing fascist, not a “far right” leader
In modern times, Democrats and their Marxist allies have portrayed Republicans and conservatives as Alt-Right racists and bigots, even though the Democratic Party was home to the KKK and other racist elements well into the 20th century. Period cartoons published about the time the KKK was formed — in the ashes of the South immediately […]
By JD Heyes
Trump schools dishonest establishment media as he doubles down on initial claim that “both sides” share blame for Charlottesville violence
After specifically condemning the KKK, neo-Nazis and all white supremacist organizations on Monday, following death and violence at competing protests in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend, President Donald J. Trump pivoted to his initial response of blaming both the Alt-Right and the “Alt-Left” for what had transpired. That sent the disgustingly dishonest media and Washington […]
By JD Heyes
African-American Trump supporters “Diamond and Silk” just got 95% demonetized by YouTube as Google’s assault against speech accelerates
Diamond and Silk, two Southern ladies who were early, exuberant supporters of President Donald J. Trump and remain so today, say that Google-owned YouTube has suddenly demonetized 95 percent of their videos, in what appears to be the latest effort by the media giant to punish political speech it does not agree with. As reported […]
By JD Heyes
Google’s “diversity indoctrination meetings” held in secret to avoid leaving any paper trail
The fired Google engineer who penned a 10-page memo that went viral within the company and throughout the U.S. hinted in a recent interview that the media and technology giant operates more like a Left-wing cult demanding full compliance than a business. As reported by Breitbart News, James Damore, who is said to be contemplating […]
By JD Heyes
Google has been turned into a Left-wing snowflake “echo chamber” that crushes diversity of thought, warns engineer in 10-page memo
Those on the Left constantly preach about “diversity” and “equality” and the freedom to be who and what you want to be — but they don’t really mean it. What they mean is, you are ‘free’ to choose to be who they want you to be, but anything outside of that is disallowed, disavowed, and […]
By JD Heyes
Google whistleblowers: Search engine penalizing all sites that don’t conform to political correctness
Tech and media behemoth Google is continuing to flex its considerable muscle by controlling more of what you are ‘allowed’ to see. And it’s being based entirely on political ideology. As reported by Breitbart News, company whistleblowers are now coming out of the woodwork to spill the beans on the tech giant’s growing bias against […]
By JD Heyes
Armed Texas patriot groups to rally in defense of Confederate monument against fascist Alt-Left groups seeking to remove it
Thousands of armed Texans are set to rally in San Antonio Saturday to protect a 117-year-old monument honoring Confederate soldiers from Alt-Left groups and local politicians who have threatened to remove it. The August 12 rally at Travis Park, which is being spearheaded by the group This Is Texas Freedom Force, will feature a number […]
By JD Heyes
Google a cesspool of anti-conservative hatred, bigotry and intolerance… employees speak out
The world’s biggest search engine, technology, and media company was shaken to its core over the weekend by a 10-page memo criticizing the web giant’s lack of diversity when it comes to political ideology. The missive, penned by engineer James Damore — who has since been fired — described the corporation as a Left-wing “echo […]
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