News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Racially paranoid Leftists now claim soap dispensers are racist because they only respond to white skin
Can a soap dispenser in a public bathroom be “racist?” Only if you’re an intolerant Left-wing nut job who doesn’t understand basic physics. As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail, a video went viral last week showing a soap dispenser squirting out product for a person who appears to be white, while failing to do […]
By JD Heyes
Another day, another round of ALT-LEFT violence in Berkeley… against OTHER Left-wingers
If you still believe that “anti-fascist” members of the Alt-Left group Antifa are largely harmless people who are just trying to ‘make a difference in the world’ by ‘opposing hate,’ I’ve got some beachfront property in Kansas to sell you. In no way, shape, or form are Antifa thugs non-violent. The group exists to create […]
By JD Heyes
CNN now labeling 900 conservative organizations “hate groups” thanks to radical left-wing propaganda of the Southern Poverty Law Center
There is rampant dishonesty throughout the legacy media, but perhaps there is no news outlet as dishonest as CNN — and blatantly so. In the wake of the violence at Charlottesville, Va., in which neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups clashed with Alt-Left members of Antifa, both seeking to shut down the others’ political speech […]
By JD Heyes
According to Maxine Waters, Ben Carson is a “White Nationalist” … even though he’s black
Alt-Left Democrats have decided that as long as the word “Trump” is associated with any portion of their political rhetoric it a) will be believed; and b) it’s valid. Even if what they’re saying is the most bizarre, factually inaccurate BS you could imagine. Enter Rep. Maxine Waters of California. Her hatred of and hostility […]
By JD Heyes
We may have reached a point where Americans holding different political views CANNOT reconcile without resorting to violence
A growing number of Californians would rather secede from the United States and form their own nation than continue to be part of a government led by Donald J. Trump and Republicans. Why? Because, say supporters of “Calexit,” the vast majority of Californians have nothing in common — socially, culturally, and politically — with much […]
By JD Heyes
Asian-American named Robert Lee yanked off ESPN because the Left has gone insane, fears name might “trigger” viewers
The far Left’s insanity manifests itself in new and inventive ways each and every day, as practitioners of political correctness try to outdo each other in acts of sheer madness. The most recent outrage among the brain dead sheep involves once-great network ESPN, which has devolved into a sports version of MSNBC and, in fact, […]
By JD Heyes
Even White Supremacists often found to be of African ancestry… Can we stop the racial hatred already?
In a country as multi-culturally diverse as the United States, race, creed, color, ethnicity and national origin are not supposed to matter. We are all supposed to be equal — in the eyes of the law and throughout society — as our Constitution recognizes and our culture demands. So why are we allowing a small […]
By JD Heyes
Liberal mob “doxxing” of innocent people goes into overdrive as hatred and intolerance of the Left knows no bounds
To the Left, no behavior is too outrageous, improper or uncalled for when done in defense of progressive goals, even if it includes putting other people’s lives in danger. When armed white supremacists showed up in Charlottesville, Va., recently to protest the removal of a Confederate monument honoring the South’s top general, Robert E. Lee, […]
By JD Heyes
Witness at Charlottesville: Townsfolk upset at BOTH Left and Right groups, warns this will destroy country if it gets out of hand
A witness to events in Charlottesville, Va., says that much of what the country is being told about what took place there is being purposefully blown out of proportion, and that if too many Americans believe the hype it could eventually lead to the destruction of the country. Writing in The Daily Signal, editor Jarrett […]
By JD Heyes
Leftists legitimize Antifa violence, claiming “self-defense” against free speech
More and more Left-wing academics, politicos and elected officials (think Democrats) are beginning to legitimize violence against constitutionally protected free speech by anarchist organizations like Antifa. In fact, one “chronicler” of Antifa, author Mark Bray, defended the organization’s violence at the recent Charlottesville, Va., free speech rally because it “is a legitimate response to white […]
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