News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
New intolerant narrative of the deranged Left: All MEN are dangerous, simply for being men
In the modern age, the Alt-Left has decided that men should no longer be men but rather neutered, cowering wimps who are too weak to stand up for themselves or to the stronger women who should be running things anyway (or so we’re told). That helps explain much of the anger over Hillary Clinton’s monumental […]
By JD Heyes
Southern Poverty Law Center claims violent Antifa is NOT a “hate group” despite being labeled “domestic terrorists” by DHS, FBI
The head of one of the most Left-wing political organizations in America recently declared that one of the most Left-wing, hate-filled and violent groups in America doesn’t qualify to be on its “Hate Map.” Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has listed the conservative, Christian-themed Family Research Council on the map, […]
By JD Heyes
Belgian Red Cross chapter instructs its branches to REMOVE the Christian cross from their walls in latest PC attack on Western culture
The politicization of charity has now taken place in at least one European country, as officials with the Belgian branch of the International Red Cross have instructed their offices to remove…crosses…from their offices. As reported by Breitbart London, volunteers with the organization are criticizing leaders after being sent a communication with the new PC instructions. […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats CRAP all over America for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Another holiday season is upon us, which means Democrats and their supporters will have yet another opportunity to trash, diss, and otherwise disrespect America and our cultural traditions and morals. While NFL players got a head start on disrespecting America, her military and supporters of President Donald J. Trump by taking a knee or sitting […]
By JD Heyes
Public school teachers now routinely discriminating against white people based on the color of their skin
While at one time we were all taught that racism is an evil that has no place in American society, it has quietly become acceptable especially in certain political, entertainment and academic circles — as long as the racism is directed at white people. That is essentially the norm in Left-wing academia today, as reported […]
By JD Heyes
Man who attacked Rand Paul and broke five of his ribs was an “avowed socialist” medical doctor
A man who attacked Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. at his home while he mowed his grass was a medical doctor and “avowed socialist,” The Daily Caller is reporting. A self-professed liberal, the man, Rene Boucher, 59, also fought frequently with his neighbors about politics. Mostly they would argue over health care policies and other Left-wing […]
By JD Heyes
Feminist California professor goes full libtard: “Science” is racist because so much of it was developed by white men
At some point, I keep hoping that the lunatics who call themselves college and university professors and who are so consumed with Alt-Left hate for people and ideologies they don’t like or understand will no longer be taken seriously or allowed to infect young, impressionable minds. Sadly, that day has not yet arrived, as evidenced […]
By JD Heyes
EXPOSED: The SPLC is a hate group pretending to be an anti-hate group
If you’re not familiar at all with the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, it’s nothing more than a Left-wing hate factory ginning up angst and even violence against conservative-minded, America-first types who voted for President Donald J. Trump. But the organization disguises itself as an anti-hate group allegedly battling “white supremacy,” “fascism” and “nationalism” in […]
By JD Heyes
After ruining the NFL, delusional liberals are now ruining STAR TREK, too
If you are someone who doesn’t agree with the far-Left in America, it’s getting so that there is nothing on television or in the movies that you can watch without being blasted with their agenda. As the new NFL season began with pre-season games in August, protests of the National Anthem and the American flag […]
By JD Heyes
If Johnny Carson were alive today, he would call Jimmy Kimmel a poisonous, hate-filled spoiler of late night comedy
When late-night TV came into its own, hosts like Jack Parr, Johnny Carson, and Tom Snyder were pithy, relevant and entertaining. They told great jokes that were clean. They conducted probing interviews. They were irreverent. They were bold. But most of all, they were inclusive. No matter your political stripe, you felt you could watch […]
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