Despite their endless push for more tolerance and acceptance, liberal democrats have a tendency to not only reject but viciously …
The feminist movement certainly has evolved over the past few decades. Years ago, feminism was about equal opportunity and equality …
Carleton University in Canada has recently removed the scale from the school gym because some students had complained that its …
The purpose of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter is to bring people from all around the world closer …
The modern day feminist movement has embarrassed itself one too many times. Whether its refusing to show up for work …
It’s official: we are now living in a society that has limited to no definition whatsoever. Sally can be a …
Liberals are, in many ways, in enigma. On the one hand, they worship science and criticize anyone who might even …
What do liberals have against white people? It seems as though every chance they get they are race baiting, stirring …
In addition to being a psychotic and severely flawed philosophy built on lies and misinformation, liberalism stands for things that …
If you’ve read my articles in the past, you know that most of the time I have a zero tolerance …