08/02/2021 / By JD Heyes
If you’ve been paying any attention at all to America’s culture wars, then you already know the biggest battles are being waged against whites.
No, that’s not a ‘white supremacist’ statement, it’s just true, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together who is being honest with themselves knows it’s true.
We’ve seen example after example over the past few years, but the instances are occurring more frequently now as black supremacy groups become more embolden by white liberal apologists.
For instance, one such black supremacy group, Dallas Justice Now, is demanding — demanding — that well-to-do white families refrain from sending their kids to Ivy League schools so that those slots will be available for (wait for it) blacks and other persons of color.
Got that? It’s not like persons of color will have earned a slot at an Ivy League school, all of which are already extremely liberal and bending over backwards for students of color as it is. No; the Dallas organization is demanding that whites give up their slots so blacks and Hispanics can have them, even if they are not as intelligent or as qualified for the school (which will mean they’ll eventually stop being ‘Ivy League’ schools).
The UK’s Daily Mail notes:
The group is specifically calling on white people to sign its ‘college pledge’ not to send their children to Ivy League or US News & World Report Top 50 schools ‘and instead leave those spots open for students from Black, LatinX, and other marginalized backgrounds who were denied access to these institutions for hundreds of years.’
The left-wing outlet plays right into the propaganda:
Ethnic minorities have long been underrepresented in Ivy League schools. At Harvard and Princeton, only around 6 percent of the total student body are black, according to Data USA. At Columbia and Cornell this figure stood at around 5 percent, while Brown around 7 percent.
Translation: Because percentages of minority students at these top-rated schools are low, that is de facto ‘evidence’ of “systemic racism” — never mind the many other elements that factor in as to why those figures are not higher. And never mind that these schools are uber-liberal to begin with, and that there are large numbers of white students who apply but don’t get in or who never apply because they’ve got no chance to get in. In fact, it’s very safe to say that the vast majority of young whites can’t qualify for enrollment in an Ivy League school.
Nevertheless, this demand from Dallas Justice Now isn’t aimed at those whites; it’s aimed at the few and privileged white kids who do qualify, the implicit reasoning behind said demand is that whether the student of color is Ivy League material or not they should get the slots anyway because ‘equity’ or something like that.
“We are writing to you because we understand you are white and live within the Highland Park Independent School District and thus benefit from enormous privileges taken at the expense of communities of color,” says the demand letter, which then goes on to made wildly false, unsubstantiated claims.
“You live in the whitest and wealthiest neighborhood in Dallas, whether you know it or not, you earned or inherited your money through oppressing people of color,” it says, which is a blatant lie.
“However, it is also our understanding that you are a Democrat and supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, which makes you one of our white allies and puts you in a position to help correct these cruel injustices,” the insufferable letter drones on.
“We need you to step up and back up your words with action and truly sacrifice to make our segregated city more just.”
The letter then asks recipients to check one of two boxes: “I Agree” to the pledge, or, “I am a racist hypocrite.”
These people are out to destroy America, period. They must be resisted at every step. This isn’t a game anymore.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: anti-white, bigotry, black supremacy, dallas, hypocrite, intolerance, Ivy League, left cult, lunatics, people of color, race wars, racist, white guilt